Flexiblity Training Plan
Made up of 7 movements, 2 for upper body and 5 for lower body.
Supine Trunk Twist
Sets: 3
Reps: 30 seconds
Rest Period: 30 seconds - 1 min
Focus: Slow, controlled movements using arms to balance and press lower back into floor. Keep core engaged and prevent lower back from lifting off the ground.
Rotation Stretch
Sets: 3
Reps: 30 seconds
Rest Period: 30 seconds - 1 min
Focus: Controlled twist, bracing on knees for support. It's important not to over rotate to avoid injury.
Heel-to-Hip Crossover
Sets: 3
Reps: 30 seconds
Rest Period: 30 seconds - 1 min
Focus: Crossing one leg over the other and bracing the arm against it, focusing on slow and consistent rotation until stretch is felt. Holding for 5 seconds, then returning to starting position and repeating on opposite side.
Supine Alternate Hamstring Stretch
Sets: 3
Reps: 30 seconds
Rest Period: 30 seconds - 1 min
Focus: Holding leg around the calf area, and pulling backwards slowly until stretch is felt. Holding for 5 seconds, returning to starting position, and switching to other leg.
Groin Stretch
Sets: 3
Reps: 30 seconds
Rest Period: 30 seconds - 1 min
Focus: Bracing and slightly bending one leg and leaning slightly into the side, while shifting weight to the side. Stretch should be felt higher up in the groin area, not lower in the inner thigh.
Hip Flexor w/ potential variations
Sets: 3
Reps: 30 seconds
Rest Period: 30 seconds - 1 min
Focus: Lowering into lunge position and shifting weight to front foot while keeping the knee over the ankle. Leaning forward until a stretch is felt, and holding for 30 seconds.
Advanced: Bring back leg up and grab ankle, then continue to lean forward. Be careful to avoid overstretching and injury
Adductors w/ potential variations
Sets: 3
Reps: 30 seconds
Rest Period: 30 seconds - 1 min
Focus: Bracing and bending one leg while holding other leg straight, and slowly lowering till stretch is felt. Focus on keeping knee over ankle and foot to ensure proper joint alignment.
Advanced: Lowering until leg is 90 degrees, and resting more weight on that leg.